
Oak Bay Beach Hotel

This modern-day Hotel, which replaced the iconic original facility, offers stunning ocean views and includes modern amenities such as ocean front pool, spa and 5 star dining.

Songhees Wellness Centre

This facility provides the Songhees everything from school programs, wellness programs, full-sized gymnasium, and band administration under one roof. The mechanical systems include latest technology such as natural ventilation and solar heating.

Westhills YMCA

This state of the art recreation facility has a very involved Alerton building automation system that monitors, controls and interfaces to nearly 100 motors with BACnet variable frequency drives, pool chemical systems and even full control of the pool’s amazing water features.

Surrey Gateway Station Tower

Cougar Pacific has been involved with this large Class A Office Tower for many years and we have recently replaced our original ‘Legacy’ control system with our latest Alerton offering.

CFB Esquimalt Fleet Maintenance Facility

This very large facility has been a work in progress for years with more than 20 different phases. The building is industrial in nature and our involvement has been extensive with monitoring and control of hundreds of systems including gas detection, leak detection, heating systems, ventilation, interfaces to PLC based control systems and so much more. The building is one of the largest of its type in North America.